Fight against pollution

We all know about pollution and it is not good for our earth. But in our day today life we are doing some kind of pollution with or without our knowledge and cause some issues to our mother land. We have the ability to come out from pollution with our good activities, but due to our fast trend and speed life, we are in need to do some pollution and get the bad results from it.

We all know about pollution and it is not good for our earth. But in our day today life we are doing some kind of pollution with or without our knowledge and cause some issues to our mother land. We have the ability to come out from pollution with our good activities, but due to our fast trend and speed life, we are in need to do some pollution and get the bad results from it.

As we know about different kind of pollution like Air pollution, Noise pollution, water pollution, environment pollution and so on. All this pollution are not good for our health as well as land. We have the ability to stop this kind of pollution if we all come forward to stop it. Just think about avoid pollution from your side, if each and every person think about this and come forward to execute it, surely we will make a pollution free world.

Use eco friendly items to avoid environmental pollution and try your maximum to reuse the things.

Always throw the garbage in the bin as well as keep your environment clean and clear by cleaning it frequently. Avoid smoking and use air free vehicles to avoid Air pollution. Always drink the purified water and avoid throwing unwanted things in the drainage and other water sources, avoid using banned chemical items to come out from water pollution.

Firing crackers may give happiness and enjoyment for few seconds, but this activity is the form of all pollution like Air pollution, noise pollution, environment and water pollution, so we must avoid unwanted activities of firing crackers we don't get more benefits with it and it will give more harm to us as well as we are spending our money lavishly by firing the crackers, so avoid it.

Try your maximum to keep your place and city clean and guide others about it. Tell the bad effects of pollution to the people in your area and make them aware about the pollution and affects, it will keep others to think about pollution and they will avoid their unwanted activities like spitting and smoking in the public place,throwing garbage in the waste lands and so on. This kind of activities will help us to avoid pollution.

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