Creation and humankind are God’s prophetic message

Let us embody and radiate the message of God

Creation and humankind are God’s prophetic message
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God is the creator of all things; this means that He gave order to the whole creation. He organized the world thereby giving meaning to its existence.

When God created humanity His work was completed. Then He rested for His creation was very good. God created human beings in His image and likeness and our purpose is to know Him, love Him, and serve Him and to be happy with Him in this world and the next. The most important and only commandment is to love: to love God and to love our neighbour. God is everywhere. He is omnipresent and we are to see Him in everything and everyone.

We all belong to God and therefore we should speak of Him in all that we do. He gives us His wisdom through the Holy Spirit so that we will know the truth that will set us free. The truth of salvation given to us by His Son.

Only a personal acceptance of the divine truth makes us a true believer. In the Christian faith, not everyone receives personal revelations, but everyone is guided by Christ to the Father in who are found all the treasures of knowledge and wisdom. Loving God means wanting to be like Him and with Him. Jesus implores us to be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect. This means that each and every day is a chance to be like our heavenly Father, a chance to work for His kingdom.

Every day is a day of thanksgiving for us and we should be thankful and express such thanks to God. Every day is a chance to spread the Good News of the Gospel which will unite us with Christ. We will experience temptations and struggles. But we have two choices: either to be a slave to these temptations and struggles, or to be transformed by them into a force of love. Christ conquered all temptations and struggles by His death on the cross and rising afterward, making it easier for us to do the same. It is through our baptism that we too conquer all temptations and struggles, for our baptism make us born a new in Christ, the beginning of our Christian (Christ-like) living.

With our baptism we have the power to put to death all that is earthly in our lives and that will be a distraction. We are to be just, loyal and respectful of others, even when they have faults. We should struggle to bring about change and defend our rights; but we must lead these struggles and live our commitments according to the Spirit of Christ.

God is interested in all that we do. God is not only the God of believers; He is the God of everyone. He does not want merely to save souls but He enables people to grow in awareness and responsibility and He prepares them for divine union through the Holy Spirit. Through His Spirit and His Son Jesus Christ, we are able to be reconciled with Him.

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