Group Captain of IAF arrested for Leaking Secrets to Pakistan

Senior Officer Honey Trapped into spying for Pakistan

Group Captain of IAF arrested for Leaking Secrets to Pakistan
Image Source - Photo credit screenshot
The shocking news of a senior Airforce Officer having been honey trapped by young girl after facebook contact has led to his arrest

A disconcerting news has emerged and broadcast around the world. It shows the armed forces in poor light. A senior Group Captain of the Indian Airforce has been detained by the Airforce Central investigative team on a charge of espionage.  Such a senior officer who was middle-aged and well paid with grownup children got entangled with a girl on Facebook. This is surprising but not that such things have never happened before. Unknown to the officer the girl was a spy who was, in reality, an agent of the ISI, the military intelligence wing of the Pakistan army.

The word used for such episodes is "honey trapped". Once the officer had come close to the girl, she began to blackmail him and he gave away secrets to the lady.

This is an unpardonable offense and shows that the officer had a low moral fiber. The officer was a Navigator working in Air Headquarters when he decided to add spice to his life by joining Facebook. The girl befriended him and there is every chance the officer and the girl met and made love.

This put the officer in jeopardy and he was blackmailed. This is part of the game of all woman spies after giving something which the officer wanted desp[erately always act for their handlers. In this case, the ISI  and the the girl showed her true colors. She began to blackmail the officer and he parted with significant plans to her which she transmitted to the ISI.

AirForce Central Investigative team kept the officer under surveillance and after enough evidence had been collected moved in.  They detained the officer and at present, he is being interrogated. One is reminded of the famous femme Fatale Mata Hari, the woman who spied for Kaiser's Germany. Woman spies are part of the game and they are usually sexy and vivacious. The Group Captain should have been alert and its a poor reflection on the officer cadre, that this man succumbed so easily.

Probably there will be a Court Martial, but I wonder if the intelligence agencies can lay their hands on the girl. This news is a hot topic in India and is a matter of shame both for the Group Captain and the IAF. Punishment? The officer could be dismissed. The word is Cashiered and in that case, he would lose all pensionary benefits-that run into lakhs of rupees. He deserves RI for at least 20 years to act as a deterrent to others.


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