Focus On Boosting Up Our Current Generation With Tradition & Culture

Let's Do Something To Guide Our Current Generation Youths

Focus On Boosting Up Our Current Generation With Tradition & Culture
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Most of the youths of our current generation fails to achieve their desires. The youths are seen totally diverted from their goals now-a-days. Not being at all sincere and not taking their life's decisions seriously may put them in a troublesome situation in their future. It is our moral responsibility to do our level best to make them fully guided with the good habits and standard moral values.

Let’s Do Something For Guiding Our Current Generation Youths To Make Them Fulfilled With Tradition and Culture 

The current scenario is getting difficult for the students to get a fully stable government job after completion of their education. Though the students are too much cautious about their careers to properly decide and select the specific stream having a versatile scope in the future, even though a vast majority of students fails to achieve what they desire. There may be several reasons of such failures including the students bound to forcefully adapt the stream to study what their parents think. There may also be several other reasons such as unwillingness to study a particular stream of study by that particular student, getting confused continuously after being admitted to the course, diversion of concentration towards some other fashionable stuffs such as playing games, driving Formula One racing cars, expensive bike riding etc. Whatever the reasons may be but it is extremely essential for the students to concentrate on the particulars what they are interested about. Here comes a point which is often almost quoted that “Jack of all trades but master of none”.

It is obviously clear from this article’s point of view that if any student desires to serve as a regular government employee with any specific departments, then it is much more than essential to focus only on their targeted studies and nothing else.

Roaming somewhere in the city, whenever I notice the activities of the current generation children, I often use to go in my flashback past several years ago and remember my late father’s ideologies. He often used to teach me during my childhood the necessities required to have inside us which make us reflect like a son’s glow in front of any human being. Not only me but there exists a maximum percentage of people in the world who are not at all satisfied with the activities and habits done by the youths of this current generation. It becomes really very much difficult to assume that what they have learned and what cultures have been given to them from their family’s background. I may be wrong if I say that the children are the mirror reflection of their parental guidance and cultures. There may be the cases where the children have got an ideal moral values from their parents and family but even then by performing the negative habits and rituals, they use to think themselves different and unique which increase their values among their friends circle. Oh God! Please suggest this current generation whose habits includes frequent eve teasing outside and inside the college and university campuses, chain snatching, rough bike riding, vulgar language speaking and several other unwanted habits which forces us to think about their futures even though we do not have any relationships with them.

Last but not the least, it is strongly desired to pave a path to the current generation children which should be full of dedication, moral values and truths so that the upcoming future scenarios seems like a heaven whenever the activities of this generation is noticed and happily enjoyed by the people all around.

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