The word oops is expressed or uttered when you make a mistake or commit a minor accident while doing something. This post brings to life those embarrassing moments, situations you are likely to say Oops!
The word oops is used quite often by people in different situations that involve a mistake or a minor accident. Often the action that gets a person to say ‘oops’ can be funny or downright horrifying although in a funny way for others. No matter how the oops moment unfolds it does bring a change in facial expressions. That startled look on the face tells a story every time you make a mistake or have a minor accident, yeah certain oops moment are embarrassing. The oops moment occurs without warning and that’s the reason reaction time is eliminated. The oops moment can be funny or embarrassing depending on the situation.
You are likely to say oops! when…
While the usual teaching on Matthew 7:6 is that one should not share sacred occurrences with others that might not be able to understand what we are saying, I feel led in this message to present to you a deeper meaning that will guard your spiritual growth, and perhaps even your salvation, if you are truly saved in Christ..
Every Christmas is a new experience as you make a lot of arrangements for your family, friends and relatives. Did you ever know, what the newly born Savior wants from you?.
God is good and he created all things good. No evil comes from Him.